Thursday we will have fun, fellowship and a great Thanksgiving dinner followed by preparation of the GIFT WORKSHOP for the next day. The actual gift preparation day is Friday.
Dates: Nov 27 at 3 PM – Nov 30 at 10 AM
Place: Laredo Stepping Stone Missions Camp, Laredo, TX
Age 11+: $16
Age 5-10: $8
Age 0-4: free
Breakfast: $6
Lunch: $8
Dinner: $9 (Thanksgiving Dinner will be a bit more)
For further information, please contact us:
Holly Garcia (325-212-0778)
For Thanksgiving weekend reservations please call:
Lisa Komaneicki: (325-227-5232)
A passport, passcard or birth certificate and driver’s license is NOT necessary for Thanksgiving weekend because we will remain on the Texas side of the border.