“And His name will be the hope of all the world.” Mt. 12:21
Hola amigos!
Just wanted to let you know that, like your lives and activities, our lives and ministry methods have changed these last few months.
The photos attached show you a few of the ways the Lord has led us to minister during this unique season. Our Monday night Romans Bible study is online, as are our Wednesday Ladies’ devotions/prayer and Thursday Teens’ English and
Bible Classes; the latter two are both live through our Messenger video groups. We were also blessed to make Holy Week visits to 55 of our primary kids…with surprise gifts including a Holy Week coloring book, crayons and candy for each.
We have distributed ‘dispensas’ (food boxes) for families in need and are continuing preparations to expand this ministry as more of our neighbors experience financial difficulties. We also plan to begin production of masks for local hospitals in the next few days.
Please pray for Nuevo Laredo. The virus has been slow to take root here, but we have gone from one to 36 cases in the past 3 weeks and there is a concern that unless the Lord intervenes the situation could get worse in this city of 725,000. Pray, too, that we don’t miss opportunities the Lord places before us to minister to our neighbors and that many will realize their need for Christ in the weeks and months ahead and yield their lives to Him.